Saturday, May 23, 2015

People You Should Know: Jesus (June 7)

Read: Luke 5:1-11.

1.    So, Peter and a group of professional fishermen fished hard all night and didn’t catch a fish. Then a carpenter turned preacher told them to try again. They did as he said and experienced incredible results. These men were awestruck and amazed. In your opinion, what was so amazing about that fishing trip?
2. Verse 8 says, “When Simon Peter realized what had happened…” What do you think Peter realized?
3. Look at verse 8 again. In your own words, what did Peter say to Jesus? Why do you think he would he say that?
4. In verse 10 Jesus said to Peter, “Don’t be afraid!” What do you think Peter was afraid of?
5. In verse 10 Jesus said to Peter, “From now on you’ll be fishing for people!” What do you think Jesus meant by that?
6. When the fishermen stepped back onto land, they started following Jesus. What does “following Jesus” mean? In what ways is "following Jesus" different from "accepting Jesus"?

7. To follow Jesus, these men left everything. That’s a high price to pay. In your opinion, what happened on this fishing trip that motivated these men to pay such a price?

8. Now, pause and think carefully about this story. What did you learn about Jesus in these verses? Here’s a hint. What do you think these fishermen learned about Jesus on this fishing trip?
9. Are there any practical lessons that can be applied to life today? Here’s a hint. What practical lessons do you think these fishermen learned on this fishing trip?

10. In light of what you’ve learned, is there a step of action you need to take? If so, what is the action step and how and when do you plan to take it?

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